
喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第五期:Forge Ahead with Diligence and Fortitude, Strive for Continuous Improvement 奋楫笃行,臻于至善
发布时间:2022-08-30 19:03:13      来源:风控法务部 钟华    点击量:167

近期,金年会金字招牌诚信成功举办“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛。来自公司本部各个部门及汇通基金、秦川租赁保理的选手用流畅的英语和饱满的热情,畅谈自己与汇通的故事,抒发汇通青年对党和事业的热爱。

为充分展示公司广大青年蓬勃向上的精神风貌和奋勇争先的青春风采,从八月起,本公众号设置“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛展播专栏,激励鼓舞广大青年在各自的岗位上踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,以优异成绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开!

本期展播<三等奖>作品,金年会金字招牌诚信风控法务部钟华《Forge Ahead with Diligence and Fortitude, Strive for Continuous Improvement 奋楫笃行,臻于至善》。





Forge Ahead with Diligence and Fortitude, Strive for Continuous Improvement



Dear leaders and colleagues, distinguished guests and judges,

My name is Zhonghua, a new joiner at the Risk Management & Legal Department. It is my honor today to be in this competition, the topic of my speech is “Forge Ahead with Diligence and Fortitude, Strive for Continuous Improvement” .



The spring of 2022 is destined to be extraordinary. The country’s economy posted a stable performance with continued recovery despite challenges from an increasingly complex international environment and resurgences of COVID-19 cases. Bringing stability into the world’s economy. I am delighted that we gather at Huitong at this beautiful season. Thinking back about the 100 some days I spent at Huitong, I felt a lot. I am a returned oversea student, and I once worked in one of the “big four” accounting firms. From foreign enterprise to the state-owned assets system, from professional service provider’s office to Huitong, I found that the significance of work has changed greatly for me.  


Having its second anniversary since founding, Huitong is rising like a scorching sun, I feel its vigorous vitality. With the average age at 33, Huitong people is running fast on the youth track. But I think the vitality comes from enthusiasm. At work, I could feel everyone's enthusiasm to think actively and seek better solutions. What is behind many people’s courage to think and perform, are the patience, the responsibilities, the repeated practices, demonstrations, careful judgments,as well as the sincerity. Huitong is like a wisp of spring breeze, I feel the warmth of love. The leaders and my colleagues are all cared about how me and other new colleagues blend in with the position and the company. As a returned student, I felt warm and I came to understand that Huitong has provided me with a meeting point between the realization of my personal value and the development and growth of the company. Huitong is like a swan goose flying at a double speed, I feel the majestic sense of mission. As we are aware of, Huitong shoulders the economic mission of adjusting the structure and optimizing the layout of state-owned capital. Many colleagues are constantly surpassing themselves with concrete actions to match the mission given by this job.


As a young adult in the new era and a member of Huitong, I deeply feel how great the responsibility is and how glorious the mission we carry. Whether in the past, the present, or in the future, such mission and responsibility goes with me.


Looking into the past, the Communist Party of China has made many major achievements and historical experience. These achievements and experiences mark the tremendous advance of the Chinese nation from standing up to growing abundant and prosperous. I am very proud to say that we are so lucky to have witnessed such an era.


Looking at the moment, China has achieved the historic transformation from a country with relatively backward productive forces to the world’s second largest economy, and made the historic strides of raising the living standards of its people from bare subsistence to moderate prosperity in all respects. I am very proud to say that we are so lucky to live in such an era.


Looking forward to the future, we are facing the year 2022 full of opportunities and challenges. As President Xi emphasized, history is the best textbook. We should advance ourselves in the logic of the historical progress and evolve ourselves with the trend of the time. I am very excited to say that we are so lucky to have the chance to look forward to such an era.


The outstanding young people of Chang'an Huitong, shall we unite closely around the Party and the Central Committee, follow the leadership of the company, achieve the best with our diligence and fortitude and strive for continuous improvement. Let us remember the glories and hardships of yesterday, rise to the mission of today, and live up to the great dream of tomorrow. 


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